Meet Visio Divina
- where art and prayer converge -
What is Visio Divina?
Similar to Lectio Divina, a method of praying with scripture, Visio Divina (Latin for "divine seeing") is a method for praying with images.
One of the ways God encounters man is through the use of truth, beauty, and goodness. By using art as a means of prayer, we make use of this reality and open ourselves to this encounter with God through beauty.
This method of prayer has been used for thousands of years in the Christian community and is a very easy way to connect with our Lord.
Visio Divina invites the soul to simply examine the image with God in mind, to ponder the art itself and to see where God might want to speak to them through the experience of the image.
“It invites us to see all there is to see, exploring the entirety of the image. It invites us to see deeply, beyond first and second impressions, below initial ideas, judgments, or understandings. It invites us to be seen, addressed, surprised, and transformed by God who is never limited or tied to any image, but speaks through them.” (Catholic Diocese of Biloxi)
“Catholic Diocese of Biloxi.” Catholic Diocese of Biloxi. Accessed November 21, 2022.
Visio Divina Guide
Step 1: Identify the art that will be the subject of your reflection. Relax and open your heart and mind to God. Ask God to speak clearly to you in a way that you can hear and to open the eyes of your heart, enabling you to see what God wants you to see.
Step 2: Gaze at the entire image. Let your eyes rest on the characters, colors, and objects. Note your feelings as you examine the whole and parts of the work. What has drawn your attention? If the image is specifically related to a scripture, scene, or story from the Bible, go and read it. Imagine that you are in this scene. What do you see from your vantage point? What do you hear? smell? sense?
Step 3: Meditate on the part of the picture that has drawn your attention, for this is typically where God wishes to encounter us. How is God speaking to you? Why do you think God drew your attention to this particular part? Is a message conveyed that pertains to your life today? Read or listen to accounts of the events. They might be scripture, insights into the work, or guided meditation. Remain receptive and open to surprises the Lord may be personally revealing to you. Release preconceived notions.
Step 4: Pray. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you into all truth. Bring all of what you’ve experienced before God. Does the image now evoke a value or different way of thinking or being? Does it open or deepen a desire in your heart? How do you feel God is calling you to respond? Gratitude? Wonder? Is there anyone you need to Forgive or Apologize to? Praise? God has been speaking to you as you meditated on this artwork. It’s now time for you to respond to the divine. What is your response? What is your prayer? Articulate any yearnings or desires that arise. Give voice to the emotion that is whirling within.
Step 5: What insight from this experience do you want to retain? How will you do that? Record your insights you want to remember and the actions God has invited you to take. Spend some time thanking God for speaking to you. Then, turn to silence to simply rest in communion with our Creator – Savor the stillness of his presence.